This week we’re bringing something a little different! We all know how daunting interviews can be.
Companies nowadays are putting a lot of emphasis on the right cultural fit. Small mistakes in answering these questions can cost you the job.
Here are 5 tough interview questions and how to answer them!
Do not say perfection. We get it, saying perfection shows that you’re dedicated and committed to your job.
But as an employer, we want to see authenticity and what it really is that is holding you back and what you’re doing about it. If you struggle with, for example, public speaking, then let your employer know.
But the key point in showcasing your weakness to your potential employer is to demonstrate what you’ve been doing about it and how you are trying to develop it.
Tell the employer how you’ve joined a Toastmasters club, or taken up public speaking sessions, or at least try to attend more networking events when you can and describe the improvement you’ve seen by doing so.
By being honest about your weaknesses and then explaining further as to how you’re working on them, will show the employer your genuineness to grow. There is nothing wrong with drawing negative attention to yourself if you can demonstrate what you have or are currently doing about it.
Remember that the focus of the interview should be on your strengths. Use your eagerness to learn to develop yourself both personally and professionally as one of them!
If you’ve been jumping from job to job every couple of months… be prepared for the interviewer to ask you this question! Employers receive hundreds of applications for the jobs they advertised.
The recruitment and selection is not only a lengthy process, but it’s an expensive one as well!
Employers tend to look at their candidate’s tenure in their previous jobs to predict how long each candidate will most likely stay in their organisation.
If you have random unexplained gaps in your resume, prepare to have your answers ready!
Let the employer know that there was a restructure in the business and that multiple roles were made redundant. Or be honest and let them know what truly happened during the time. Just make sure that the gap wasn’t just “nothing” but a valid reason where they will be able to empathise with you.
Perhaps you left work because you weren’t sure whether the previous industry was the career path you wanted to follow.
But either way, end your response that after your exposure to multiple industries or companies, you have realised your passion and commitment to building your career in this position you are applying for.
None of us likes talking about failures, especially during a job interview when a stranger is evaluating our candidature.
However, if you can maturely discuss your failures, this will showcase your ability to learn from your mistakes. This question is aimed to test candidates on whether they can take calculated risks and be proactive in learning from them.
What story to choose? Do not choose a story that reveals unprofessional behaviour or any serious mistakes that could potentially raise red flags to the employer.
Instead, choose a story that failed due to multiple factors and not just because of you. Once you’ve explained the story, speak about how you resolved the issue to subtly showcase your strengths such as patience, persistence, grit or tenacity.
This question is aiming to test each candidate’s knowledge of the industry and their wider ability to understand macro trends.
It’s an opportunity for the interviewer to differentiate between the good candidates and the great candidates.
Before your interview, do your research on the industry of the job you are applying for. Understand the key trends and the significant challenges that the industry is currently facing.
And if this question isn’t asked, find a way to sneak this information into the conversation. This will show the interviewer that not only do you do the job, but you’re switched on and that you have a real passion for your career.
Do not say anything along the lines of … “I have no idea,” even if it’s the truth. By saying this, this will show your employer that you’re unorganised, not a big thinker and that basically, you have no idea what you’re doing half the time and that you don’t even know how long you’ll be staying in this job.
Instead, approach the question by mentioning the job position that you’re applying for.
For example, you could say “I’ve done a lot of self-assessment, and from what I’ve learned about myself, I know that I want to make a commitment to this career and build my career here.” Saying that you’ve done self-assessment tests will show to the employer that you understand who you are.
You’re aware of your capabilities and interests, and this will provide more reassurance to the employer that you will stay with the job.
As always, should you need some help, please get in touch.