Blog by Urban HR

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In the new era of networking – we are faced with rapidly changing technology and diminishing attention spans where even the most talented businesses and people get lost in obscurity. A strong network has many benefits – enhancing your visibility, extending your reach and creating opportunities for you in the short and long term.
When looking for a job, our first instinct is to focus on finding a job that pays the most. However, unless the pay is significantly larger, more pay doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the best job offer. It’s important to consider the entire “package,” as we often overlook benefits that may be difficult to put an exact dollar amount on such as-a great workplace culture and flexible working arrangements.
With the increasing number of redundancies during this time- this is the best time to get your resume up & ready! A strong resume can streamline your search process- getting you one step closer to that perfect job. Here are our universal rules for resume writing and tips to help you showcase your strengths – turning your resume into one of your strongest professional assets!
In today’s society, many companies still see happiness as an intangible, a “nice to have” rather than making it a priority. Employers can actively cultivate an environment that contributes to employees’ feeling happy at work. Although you can’t force your employees to be happy or control all the factors that contribute to happiness- you still have the ability to promote positivity at work. As a result, this will play a significant role in work quality and productivity to answer the question, happiness at work - is it necessary?
In today’s society, many companies still see happiness as an intangible, a “nice to have” rather than making it a priority. Employers can actively cultivate an environment that contributes to employees’ feeling happy at work. Although you can’t force your employees to be happy or control all the factors that contribute to happiness- you still have the ability to promote positivity at work. As a result, this will play a significant role in work quality and productivity to answer the question, happiness at work - is it necessary?
Working remotely and having an officeless company is now easier than ever, and more and more people are sick of 9 to 5 workdays and seeking flexible options. Working from home is not for everyone, though, and whether you chose that to spend more time with family, skip a lengthy commute or find more autonomy, sometimes you might feel isolated, left out and disconnected from the rest of your team. Here are some tips for helping you feel in touch.