Before You Hire – Know The Rules

The non-negotiable list for hiring in Australia.

There are many things you need to consider before you make the decision to hire any employee including financial reasons, size of the business, expected change in company billables and of course Human Resources issues!

So before you recruit new employees, here are a few of the things you need to get right before you hire:

National Employment Standards

These are the Minimum Workplace Entitlements of Most Employees in Australia. There are exclusions for Public Sector employees and some companies in Western Australia.

National Employment Standards
Unlawful and Discriminatory Advertising

Unlawful and Discriminatory Advertising

Make sure you’re not advertising unlawfully (such as advertising a role that doesn’t exist) or advertising in a discriminatory way.

A discriminatory advertisement could include requirements for a male/female, certain age group, race or any of the other protected features under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 and the South Australia Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA).

Work Health and Safety Responsibilities

Most people are now aware that the law changed in the past few years and new responsibilities for employers were introduced from 1st July 2015.

Work Health and Safety Responsibilities
Pay Rates and Awards

Pay Rates and Awards

You need to consider the Modern Award that your position may be paid under. The Award and its conditions will apply unless you pay above the classification level for that position. Considerations need to be given to overtime and penalties, loadings and monetary allowances. If you’ve already hired staff and need a workup, our wages audit is the way to go.

Privacy and Record Keeping

Similar rules apply to employee records as they do for tax records. You need to keep and store information for 7 years and ensure the confidentiality and privacy of even potential employees in accordance with privacy legislation.

Privacy and Record Keeping
Before You Hire – Know The Rules

Before You Hire – Know The Rules

As always, should you need some help, please get in touch.
