“We are what we repeatedly do”.
We’ve all heard of the importance of creating good habits, but what else can we draw from this statement? It’s essential to reflect your why as a business – your purpose and the values that guide you.
The problem is that company values often remain as buzzwords, something to show off and hang on the wall; when it comes to actual work and issues in the workplace, we often forget these values and act on instinct or a rationalisation we see at the moment.
Today, we’d like you to focus on this short phrase: “Purpose Inspires. Values Guide. Habits Define.”
We have brought you some tips to develop habits that will transform your ideas into actions, helping you integrate your purpose and values into your personal and professional life.
This approach goes for your values as a business owner as well as those of your staff.
When coming up with your business values, be careful and honest with yourself. Try not to state something that you think will appeal to the customers or is commonly considered a good thing.
The point is for you to live and work with those values at heart and not twist yourself trying to fit into this box you created.
When hiring new staff, make the company values and set the expectations.
Doing this helps you build a like-minded crew that has many positive effects on both individual and organisational outcomes!
Studies have revealed that alignment in values leads to positive work attitudes – greater job satisfaction, motivation, feelings of personal success, feelings of team cohesion and more significant concern for stakeholders.
Pro-social behaviours such as teamwork and helping onboarding new staff also benefit from the strong alignment in values.
Our tip here would be not to overstate your values. Identify your own personal values and don’t state something that you don’t believe in just because you believe it’s widely respected.
The idea is for you to live and work in an environment that you thrive in, rather than twisting yourself into a box that you’ve created.
Make time for new ideas, to try new things and meet new people so that you can keep fresh ideas and different perspectives constantly flowing into your life.
Consider spending 5 minutes a day connecting with something new – whether it’s reading a different news source or asking a co-worker that you’re not close to out for lunch.
This will broaden your options and improve your critical thinking over time far more effectively. You will also be able to find connections with a wider variety of personalities the more you learn and grow.
Being the bearer of your company’s values, you should not fall into the trap of wanting to preach and show others ‘The Right Path’.
When you have identified a behavioural issue in the workplace- rather than immediately pointing fingers, start by inquiring the employee with an open question to understand their motives.
To help open up the conversation, find common ground and allow the employee to be heard. This is vital in developing productive communication even when you hold different views to the person at fault.
Hold one on one meetings to allow your employees to be heard. Holding the meeting itself and checking in on your staff is a great way to demonstrate that you are committed to your core values and work culture. Ensure notes are taken and that any concerns are followed up.
Speak with actions, not just words. Your attitude and behaviour speak a hundred times louder than anything you say; people are susceptible to incongruency.
As a leader, if your actions don’t match the message you convey, then your employees will quickly notice the discrepancy, ultimately feeling frustrated and manipulated.
Inconsistency could lead to a more considerable negative impact on the business where dishonesty and making the right impression is far more important than doing the right thing.
By cultivating the proper habits within the business, leaders can successfully close the gap between what they say they value and the actions they choose to take – clearly illustrating their purpose and values.
As always, should you need some help, please get in touch.